Welcome to CrossLights

For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ (2 Cor 4:6).

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Re-examining the End Times (All Episodes):

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About CrossLights & CrossLight Publications

After receiving Christ in 1971 during the Jesus movement, I began my Christian service at the ripe young age of 20 with an evangelistic outreach in the Detroit area. Now a retired business professional, my wife Judy and I reside in Utica, Michigan. I have been blessed to serve the body of Christ as an associate pastor, elder, Bible teacher, and church administrator. Today, I'm a husband, father, grandfather, and Christian author. Judy and I have three amazing married children and six grandchildren.

Since publishing The Threshold of Exile (see below) I have begun a podcast, which airs every Sunday evening at 6:00pm Eastern. Use the podcast links above for access to both audio and video options. I encourage you to read a compelling testimony of God's incredible faithfulness under the My Story menu option. The Contact page provides a form through which you're welcome to email a comment if you so choose.

By the grace of God, I've also had the privilege of publishing a couple of books, which are now produced under my own banner, which is CrossLight Publications. Please have a look. Descriptions and purchase options are below.

I'm Marc Paladino.

The Threshold of Exile:

Examining New Testament Prophecy and Eternal Destiny

You’re invited to learn how a vast amount of the New Testament’s eschatological material is linked directly to the Old Testament prophets. Jesus, his apostles, and the New Testament authors extracted those ancient texts, together with their imagery and linguistic style, and presented them to the Jewish nation in their own day. They served as a warning that the tragic consequences of their history, especially those of the sixth century BC, were about to be repeated in their own generation. This book will take readers on a journey of discovery, a journey that may fundamentally transform our understanding of the New Testament’s prophetic outlook while underscoring the universal impact of the cross and the new, enduring biblical economy under the reign of our Savior and King, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Links: Amazon Barnes and Noble


Published Books

New Permanent Price: $19.99

After the Walls Came Down:

Discovering Contemporary Relevance in the Visions of Zechariah 1-6 (Paperback: 2011 Master Press)

This book unpacks the visions in the first half of the prophet's great book, presenting them as remarkable visionary journey. The reader is brought into the world of the early, post-exilic era of Old Testament history when the Israelites were facing a reorientation to life in the land of promise after their release from the Babylonian exile. In addition to the historical and theological interpretation of the period, you'll discover contemporary applications of the lessons conveyed in Zechariah's strange visionary experiences. I also bring them to bear on my own personal testimony of how God uses crisis to transform his people into the image of his glorious son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Link: (Paperback and eBook)


Limited Availability

Updated Paperback and eBook Coming Early in 2025